"it's funny how time has a way of bringing pain around. and did you tell her that i'm the one that burned you down? it's okay to ignore me, pretend like you don't know. i probably deserve this all, but i pray to god that it don't show. well i'm not sure how i'm supposed to watch you walk away. you won't think of me but i'll never forget today." ♥ casey donahew band.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I know photography doesn't always require originality as far as ideas for poses and things because you can google photos and be like, "Oh I love that pose!" and then relay that to the photographer. But it really pisses me off that people, or one person in particular, has to copy everything I do. Bitch, get some originality and learn what business professionalism is. Turning down a client because your competition sent them, then refusing to book an appointment because of the fact, is not good business. There are just so, so many things that have been added to the list since you've started this stupid rendezvous. Stop copying everyone else's life and live your own. UGH!

Sorry for the rant to my few followers and random people that I'm sure check my blog, but it was much needed. I swear, the nerve of some people...

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