"it's funny how time has a way of bringing pain around. and did you tell her that i'm the one that burned you down? it's okay to ignore me, pretend like you don't know. i probably deserve this all, but i pray to god that it don't show. well i'm not sure how i'm supposed to watch you walk away. you won't think of me but i'll never forget today." ♥ casey donahew band.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


so just to start off my post... i'll let you have a good laugh. :)

lol, the joy of owning a macbook!

so yeah, today has been super productive even though i accidentally went back to sleep after taking my first quiz for my online nutritional science class. but i got caught up on all of that work since being sick meant that i really didn't want to read 66 slides of notes for each chapter just to take a timed quiz on it afterwards. that's way too much work for being sick. just sayin'. hmm, but yeah! so i got that done and i bought a new pair of khaki shorts so now i have something cute to use as "dress up" bottoms that won't make me poor sweat (like jeans and jeggings would) in this texas heat. but i've also started working on my wedding portfolio... barely. i have to have a fake business layout of like my mission statement, decal, business card, and all kinds of things in addition to planning three weddings (one of which is with a real client). *note i am not planning a real wedding just yet, but i am using a friend to plan her wedding as if she were my client* i really hope that i can work enough hours with my nursing degree to keep up my state license and build either my own wedding planning business or photography business.... or both?! needless to say i have a lot of aspirations and goals. the puppy dogs have been well behaved ALL day, which was great so i could do homework, and i've gotten to spend a lot of quality time with nathan. ♥

today was a good day.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I know photography doesn't always require originality as far as ideas for poses and things because you can google photos and be like, "Oh I love that pose!" and then relay that to the photographer. But it really pisses me off that people, or one person in particular, has to copy everything I do. Bitch, get some originality and learn what business professionalism is. Turning down a client because your competition sent them, then refusing to book an appointment because of the fact, is not good business. There are just so, so many things that have been added to the list since you've started this stupid rendezvous. Stop copying everyone else's life and live your own. UGH!

Sorry for the rant to my few followers and random people that I'm sure check my blog, but it was much needed. I swear, the nerve of some people...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011



well, needless to say i haven't blogged in awhile (a month to be exact). well a lot has happened in that time. i no longer have a maid of honor, or best friend, for stupid reasons. but after looking back on what happened, i think everything will work out for the best and i'm happy about the decision. i mean if this is what broke up our friendship, then obviously something went wrong this past year or so. aaaand a few of us already know what that is. but anywho, i finished my first summer session and passed american public policy but i'm still working on my nutritional science class online because it lasts all summer long. EEK! so i'm basically taking nine hours for the second summer session. being sick has kind of put a damper on things though. nathan had an upper respiratory infection and it was beginning to get bronchitis, so he had to get an antibiotic and steroid shot in addition to two prescriptions. then a few days after he went to the doctor, i got sick! :( so i missed a couple days of class, but luckily dr. adams didn't take attendance the first two days i was sick so it wasn't held against me for my attendance grade. HUGE YAY! ugh, this week in itself has just been crazy. i had an amazing mini photo session with an amazing couple: jason and kasey. they are such an awesome couple and i'm incredibly happy for their upcoming addition to the family. :) ugh, they are just awesome! but anywho... i have a lot of work this month! i have several photo sessions coming up including maternity, head shots, and an event. i also have four weddings to plan for my portfolio, aaaaand a bunch of tests in there. not to mention my little brother, dad, and possibly my mom are all visiting at the end of the month for my brother's orientation at texas tech... and to help him move in with nathan and i. :) i'm sure we're all going to have a ton of fun! is it weird that all three of us get along so well? LOL! oh yes, and today was quite the experience. i know i'm jumping around and rambling, but it's okay. haha, well we're borrowing nathan's mom's rodeo because his dad wanted the impala back (so he could drive to el paso for cheap) so we needed another vehicle. and the gas gauge is broken so you have to use the odometer. well the first time we had to fill up, we went all the way to 340 miles. so of course when we were on the way to walmart, we ran out of gas on the frontage road. LOL, never a dull moment in our life. it was nice to see that people were kind enough to stop and ask if we needed help. there were five people that stopped to help. :) it was so nice! there was a time when my mom and i broke down on the way home from valley ranch and nobody would help us... twenty cars passed by and no one said a thing. and it wasn't like we looked like murderers or anything so it's sad that nobody stopped to help us. only in west texas are people kind enough to stop and help. this is the second time something like this has happened to me and i've had someone volunteer to help without asking for anything in return... it's genuine kindness. i am so happy i chose to come to texas tech. :)